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Best Ways to Remember What You Read

Horizontal Stacked Books Despite tele­vi­sion, cell phones, and Twit­ter, tra­di­tion­al read­ing is still an impor­tant skill. Whether it is school text­books, magazine­a­zines, or reg­u­lar books, peo­ple nevertheless read, though non as much as they used to. One rea­son that many peo­ple don't read much is that they don't read well. For them, it is wearisome, hard work and they don't remem­ber every bit much every bit they should. Stu­dents, for exam­ple, may take to read some­thing sev­er­al times before they under­stand and remem­ber what they read.

Why? You would think that schools teach kids how to read well. Schools do endeavour. I work with mid­dle-school teach­ers and they tell me that many stu­dents are 2–three years behind grade lev­el in read­ing pro­fi­cien­cy. No incertitude, tele­vi­sion, prison cell phones, and the Spider web are major con­trib­u­tors to this prob­lem, which will appar­ent­ly get worse if we don't empha­size and improve read­ing instruction.

Some of the arraign can be placed on the fads in read­ing teach­ing, such as phon­ics and "whole lan­guage," which some­times are pro­mot­ed by zealots who don't respect the need for both approach­es. Much of the blame for poor read­ing skills can be laid at the feet of par­ents who set poor examination­ples and, of course, on the young­sters who are too lazy to larn how to read well.

For all those who missed out on good read­ing skills, information technology is not too late. I sum­ma­rize beneath what I think information technology takes to read with proficient speed and comprehension.

  1. Read with a purpose.
  2. Skim first.
  3. Go the read­ing mechan­ics correct.
  4. Exist judi­cious in high­calorie-free­ing and note taking.
  5. Think in pictures.
  6. Rehearse as you go forth.
  7. Stay with­in your atten­tion span and work to increase that span.
  8. Rehearse again soon.

1) Know Your Purpose

Every­i should take a pur­pose for their read­ing and think most how that pur­pose is being ful­filled dur­ing the actu­al read­ing. The advan­tage for remem­ber­ing is that cheque­ing con­can­u­ous­ly for how the pur­pose is being ful­filled helps the read­er to stay on chore, to focus on the more rel­e­vant parts of the text, and to rehearse con­tin­u­ous­ly as one reads. This also saves time and effort because rel­e­vant items are nigh attended.

Iden­ti­fy­ing the pur­pose should be easy if you freely choose what to read. Simply ask your­cocky, "Why am I read­ing this?" If it is to be enter­tained or pass the time, and so there is not much prob­lem. Simply myr­i­advertising oth­er rea­sons could employ, such as:

  • to under­stand a cer­tain grouping of peo­ple, such as Mus­lims, Jews, Hin­dus, etc.
  • to crys­tal­lize your polit­i­cal posi­tion, such as why a giv­en gov­ern­ment politico­i­cy should be opposed.
  • to devel­op an informed programme or proposal.
  • to saturday­is­fy a crave­ment of an aca­d­due east­m­ic course or oth­er assigned reading.

Many of us take read­ings assigned to u.s., equally in a school envi­ron­ment. Or the boss may hand usa a homo­u­al and say "Here. We need you to read this." Whether the social club comes from a instructor or boss, we need to inquire, "What do you want me to acquire from this?" In the absence of such guid­ance, you should still for­mu­late your best guess almost what you should larn and remem­ber from the reading.

2) Skim Kickoff

Some read­ing tasks crave no more than than skim­ming. Prop­er skim­ming includes putting an empha­sis on the caput­ings, pic­tures, graphs, tables, and fundamental para­graphs (which are usu­al­ly at the begin­ning and the finish). Depend­ing on the pur­pose, you should slow down and read care­ful­ly merely the parts that con­tribute to ful­fill­ing the read­ing purpose.

Even mate­r­i­al that has to be stud­ied care­ful­ly should be skimmed first. The ben­e­fits of skim­ming first are that the skim­ming: 1) primes the mem­o­ry, mak­ing it eas­i­er to remem­ber when you read it the sec­ond time, two) ori­ents the call up­ing, aid­ing y'all to know where the impor­tant con­tent is in the medico­u­ment, three) cre­ates an over­all sense and gestalt for the doc­u­ment, which in plow makes information technology eas­i­er to remem­ber cer­tain particulars.

Brows­ing on the Inter­net encour­ages peo­ple to skim read. The way con­tent is han­dled on the Web is even caus­ing writ­ers to brand wider use of Spider web devices, such every bit num­bered or bul­let­ed lists, side­bars, graph­ics, text box­es and side­confined. But the bad news is that the Web way makes it fifty-fifty hard­er to acquire how to read in-depth; that is, the Web teach­es the states to skim, cre­at­ing bad read­ing habits for in-depth reading.

3) Get the Mechan­ics Right

For in-depth read­ing, eyes need to move in a dis­ci­plined way. Skim­ming actu­al­ly trains eyes to motility with­out dis­ci­pline. When yous need to read care­ful­ly and remem­ber the essence of large blocks of text, the optics must snap from one ready­a­tion point to the next in left- to right-sequence. More­over, the fix­a­tions should not exist 1 indi­vid­ual permit­ters or even sin­gle words, but rather on sev­er­al words per fix­a­tion. At that place are read­ing-improve­ment machines that train the eyes to gear up­ate prop­er­ly, merely few schools employ them. I know from per­son­al expe­ri­ence with such machines that they can increase read­ing speed marked­ly with­out a price in depression­er com­pre­hen­sion. Poor read­ers who stum­ble along from give-and-take to word actu­al­ly tend to have low­er com­pre­hen­sion because their mind is pre­oc­cu­pied with rec­og­niz­ing the let­ters and their adjust­ment in each word.That is a chief rea­son they tin't remem­ber what they read. Count­less times I have heard col­lege stu­dents say, "I read that chap­ter iii times, and I still can't answer your ques­tions." When I ask thought-pro­vok­ing ques­tions about the mate­r­i­al, they often tin't answer the ques­tions considering they can't remem­ber the mean­ing of what they read. Even with straight­for­ward sim­ple mem­o­riza­tion ques­tions, they ofttimes tin can't remem­ber, because their focus on the words them­selves kept them from asso­ci­at­ing what their optics saw with their ain pre-exist­ing knowl­edge and thus facil­i­tat­ing remem­ber­ing. In curt, to remem­ber what yous read, you have to think about what the words hateful.

I am non argu­ing against phon­ics, which in my view is vital for the ini­tial acquire­ing of how to read. But phon­ics is just the outset stride in good read­ing prac­tice. At some bespeak, the read­er needs to rec­og­nize whole words every bit com­plete units and so aggrandize that capa­bil­i­ty to clus­ters of sev­er­al words.

Among the key tac­tics for good mechan­ics of read­ing, I listing the post-obit:

  • Make eye con­tact with all the text non being delib­er­ate­ly skimmed
  • Come across mul­ti­ple words in each centre fixation
  • Strive to expand the width of each eye gear up­a­tion (on an 8.5″ width, strive for three set up­a­tions or even­tu­al­ly two per line). This skill has to be devel­oped in stages. First, learn how exercise read at five or half-dozen fix­a­tions per line. Then piece of work on four per line. So 3.
  • Snap eyes from one prepare­a­tion indicate to anoth­er (hor­i­zon­tal snaps on long lines, ver­ti­cal snap if whole line in a col­umn tin can be seen with 1 fixation).

Learn­ing how to do this takes prac­tice. If you can't do it on your own, con­sid­er for­mal train­ing from a read­ing eye.

» Keep read­ing…
